Please note submissions are no longer being considered.
For enquiries please contact:
Dr. Ray Gosine
Chair, Hydraulic Fracturing Review Panel
c/o Office of Associate Vice-President (Research)
Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, IIC-3067
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John’s, NL, A1C 5S7
Telephone: (709) 864-3104
Or by email to:
Online Submissions
For online submissions, please include your full name, email address, postal address, contact telephone number, and a brief message using the boxes provided below. When you select “Proceed with Online Submission” you will be provided with an opportunity to upload documents (PDF, MS Word) that you would like to form part of your submission.
Please note that if you wish to provide reports, articles or other documents that are sourced from a third party (i.e. not written by you) please provide web page links to the documents which can included on the Panel web site to direct readers to the documents. Due to copyright issues, the Panel may not be able to post PDF or MS Word versions of third-party documents on the Panel site.
Email and Mail Submissions
In addition to including your name and contact details (phone number, email and address), please indicate whether you wish to meet with the Panel in a face-to-face/teleconference meeting or in the public forum to give a brief presentation of the primary points in your submission and to provide the Panel with an opportunity to seek clarification about any points in your submission.
Please note that if you wish to provide reports, articles or other documents that are sourced from a third party (i.e. not written by you) please provide web links to the documents which can included on the Panel web site to direct readers to the documents. Due to copyright issues, the Panel may not be able to post PDF or MS Word versions of third-party documents on the Panel site.
Submissions may be sent by conventional mail to:
Dr. Ray Gosine
Chair, Hydraulic Fracturing Review Panel
c/o Office of Associate Vice-President (Research)
Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, IIC-3067
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John’s, NL, A1C 5S7
Telephone: (709) 864-3104
Or by email to: